Hair Care 101: The Complete Guide To Thick, Healthy Hair

Whether you rock long or short hair, curly or straight hair or even coloured or dark black hair, one thing remains common – the desire to have thick and healthy hair. The health and thickness of your hair do not depend on the hairstyle you chose but upon other factors such as the daily hair care routine that you follow. Your hair is one of the most important and prominent features of your body and undoubtedly needs to be taken care of properly. Today we will be discussing answers to the most asked questions, such as ‘how to grow thick hair naturally?’, ‘how to make hair strong and thick?’ and the best hair care routine for hair growth.

What is Thick & Healthy hair?

Before understanding the answer to the question of how to make hair strong and thick, let’s first understand the meaning behind healthy and thick hair.

Scientifically speaking, thick and healthy hair refers to the density of the hair and the number of hair follicles you have. If you have high density and heavy hair, you have thick hair. However, having thick hair does not always equal healthy hair, as the health of the hair is dependent on several factors.

You can understand the thickness of your hair by using a simple trick. Compare a single hair strand and compare it with the sewing thread. If the thickness of your hair is similar to that of the sewing thread, then you have thick hair. If your hair is thinner, then you might have thin hair. However, having thin hair does not mean you have unhealthy hair.

Several reasons can cause your hair to become thin but they can be treated to become thicker. However, if you have genetically thin hair, you cannot do much about it. But, if your hair has become thinner due to the following reasons, you can treat them by using home remedies for hair growth and thickness or by performing a hair care routine for hair growth. Here are a few reasons why you might have thin hair.

Poor diet
Harsh hair products
Medical conditions

Is it possible to make thin hair thick?

Yes, you can make your hair thicker by reopening the shrunken hair follicles. While there are several reasons that your hair follicles might have shrunk, you can reverse the effect by following different strategies and home remedies for hair growth and thickness. The key to opening your hair follicles is to improve blood circulation by nourishing them deeply. To do that, you must follow a healthy hair routine. . Here are different ways to get thicker hair.

Using Hair Care Products

Hair care products are an integral part of a healthy hair routine. However, it is essential to use only natural hair care products as chemical ingredients-based products can strip off the essential oil from your hair and scalp, making the hair dry and damaged.

You can try Pure Sense and their range of hair care products, which are all made from natural ingredients. Here are a few Pure Sense products that you can try and you can learn how to strengthen hair by adding these products to your best hair care routine.

Shampoo and Conditioner

Pure Sense offers a range of shampoos or cleansers, such as Rejuvenating Grapefruit Revitalising Hair Cleanser (Shampoo) that is made from the natural extracts of Grapefruit. This shampoo is packed with vitamin C and helps to boost collagen levels and control excess oil production. Collagen is a necessary protein that strengthens your hair, and by controlling the excess oil production, thi shampoo helps in boosting hair growth.

You can also try Rejuvenating Grapefruit Revitalising Hair Conditioner, which is also made from Grapefruit and deeply nourishes your hair to improve blood circulation and hair growth.

Hair Masks

Hair masks are better than conditioners as they are more efficient in deeply nourishing your hair and making them soft and healthy. You can try Pure Sense’s Macadamia Deep Nourishing Hair Mask, which softens your hair and adds a natural shine to your tresses. Moreover, as this hair mask is packed with hydrolysed Rice Protein, it controls the frizziness and makes your hair more thick and healthy.

Hair Sprays

Volumising sprays for the hair that can help give your hair texture and volume. Moreover, as these sprays lock in the moisturiser, they keeps your hair healthy and frizz-free for more extended periods.

Hair Serums

Serums have active ingredients that target specific problems such as hair fall or thinning of hair. You can use hair serums to strengthen your hair and make them look healthy and thick. Using a hair serum is one of the quickest answers to how to increase hair volume and thickness.

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